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Land Surveying and Geomatics Application Deadline

The Online Land Surveying/Geomatics degree program is currently accepting new applications for Fall 2024. All transcripts and applications must be submitted by July 1, 2024, 报名参加2024年秋季学期!




“有全职工作,有家庭, the desire to advance my career as a Professional Land Surveyor had been weighing on me for some time. Due to the fact that many states are requiring some education before I am allowed to take their licensure exam, 我需要获得学位. 我在网上搜索任何一所可以帮助我在不牺牲我的工作和家庭的情况下完成我所要求的教育的大学. I came across the surveying program at Great Basin College (澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载) and found that it was an ideal solution for me. After I received approval from my state board of licensure, I began my college courses at 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载. 现在几年的项目完成了, I am on my way to getting my degree and soon my licensure.”

- Norman, NM




土地测量和地理信息计划(LSG)致力于解决学生的不同和不断变化的需求-整个内华达州和超越-谁正在准备一个地理信息事业. 大盆地旨在提供高质量和相关的教育经验,为LSG学生的专业成功做好准备.

应用科学的在线土地测量/地理信息学士学位课程是由澳门新甫京娱乐游戏下载(澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载)和内华达州土地测量师咨询委员会协会共同开发的. 土地测量/地理信息学计划的实施是为了应对内华达州对有执照的专业测量师日益增长的需求, store, process, 管理空间数据. 自2005年成立以来,土地测量/地理信息学四年制学士学位课程有效地为内华达州的学生和来自全国各地的远程学习者提供服务. 土地测量/地理信息学课程模型是为那些在测量或地理空间相关专业工作(或正在寻找工作)的学生而设计的,这些学生需要在典型的本科学习环境之外提供灵活性和可访问性的课程.


Graduates with a BAS with an emphasis in land surveying/geomatics will be 女测量师从事水边制图工作.able to: 

  • 熟练运用合理的测量方法, mathematics, science, 以及收集的测量工具, analyze, and edit spatial information in professional applications.
  • Demonstrate competency in the fundamentals and applications of land surveying, and the acquisition and management of spatial data.
  • 培养良好的人文学科背景, social sciences, and the arts, to function in multicultural and diverse environments.
  • 提供商业管理的基础知识,使毕业生了解商业环境和决策过程.
  • 用图形表达空间信息, textual, and verbal forms as an individual or as a collaborating member of a professional team.
  • 准备参加并通过国家工程与测量考官委员会(NCEES)制定的土地测量基础考试.
  • Enter professional employment in land surveying/geomatics in the state of Nevada, other states, 或附录1603所涵盖的国家.D.北美自由贸易协定第1条.
  • Satisfy the educational requirements for licensure required by NRS.625.作为内华达州的专业土地测量师,并认识到作为学生或教师参加继续教育的终身学习的好处.

New AS Program

Online Land Surveying/Geomatics Associate of Science Degree

在线土地测量/地理信息学(LSG)理学副学士学位课程旨在招收传统和非传统的学习者, 哪些人接受的专上教育有限, directly into a professional degree-seeking program of study. The Associate of Science in Land Surveying and Geomatics prepares the student for entry-level positions in surveying/mapping, civil engineering, resource management, and mining; as well as diverse technical opportunities within federal, state, 以及地方政府机构. 除了获得技术工作, 该计划还旨在为进入应用科学学士学位(BAS)土地测量与测绘学课程提供无缝衔接的途径.

Program Objectives:

  • 熟练运用合理的测量方法, mathematics, science, 以及收集的测量工具, analyze, edit, and present spatial information in professional applications.
  • Demonstrate competency in the fundamentals and applications of land surveying, and the acquisition and management of spatial data.
  • Prepare graduates for the Land Surveying/Geomatics Bachelor of Applied Science program or technical geospatial employment.

Online 土地测量/地理信息程序 Instruction

基于网络的测量/地理信息学应用科学学士学位课程提供完整的土地测量在线教学, mapping, GIS for surveyors, 最小二乘平差, 摄影测量和遥感技术, 公共土地调查制度, legal descriptions, 大地测量和GPS测量, 施工测量, mine surveying, 高级边界分析, 还有一个土地测量/地理信息学顶点项目. Students engage in various activities designed to collect and analyze spatial data using surveying tools, 多个软件包, and data management techniques including: total stations, levels, satellite imagery, and global navigation satellite system (GNSS) data. Specific software packages that are used in the instruction include; Carlson Survey, 特林布尔商务中心, ArcInfo, and Mathcad. Our learners also study advanced topics in the United States Public Land Survey System, as well as the legal principles related to land surveying. In addition, the learner produces engineering-related surveying/geomatic projects to prepare maps, plots, 还有描绘边界的平面图, topography, ground control, flight lines, 控制网络设计. Using high-precision optical and electromechanical instruments and global positioning data from satellites, 学生负责解释和表述空间信息,然后计算精确和准确的地理空间解决方案.


应用科学土地测量/地理信息计划与测量和地理导师(必须在美国获得许可)协调, 波多黎各联邦, Guam, American Samoa, U.S. Virgin Islands, and the Caribbean, 或符合最低教育要求的州/省/联邦执照或附录1603中的替代证书.D.(北美自由贸易协定第1条),以帮助合格的学生获得他们的经典调查基础的实验室部分. 获得四年制土地测量/地理信息学学士学位,需要进行经典测量基础的实验室实地工作(在两个较低级别的测量课程中授课). 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏下载测量指导计划或澳门新甫京娱乐游戏下载提供的实验室和实地课程的其他信息可以通过联系土地测量/地理信息学计划顾问来解决.


土地测量/地理信息学顶点课程旨在展示课程和课程目标的应用,学生在其中开发一个成功的测量/地理信息学项目,涉及, but not limited to, boundary surveying, mortgage surveys, topographic surveying, 施工测量, 水文和水深测量, deformation surveys, site plan surveys, as-built surveys, ALTA/ACSM surveys, underground surveying, 湿地圈定调查, 洪水高程测量, 电信调查, ariel surveys, geodetic surveying, 以及地下调查.

测量员处理设备图形.Silver State Land Surveying/Geomatics NSPS-NALS Student Chapter

这个组织是为了提高内华达州高等教育系统澳门新甫京娱乐游戏下载的学生而成立的. The chapter is open to any student enrolled through Great Basin College. Activities in the organization include: fundraising, 社区和校园服务项目, 以及为会员和澳门新甫京娱乐游戏下载学生提供的活动,因此为学生提供了参加全州和全国专业活动的机会.


土地测量/地理信息学士课程已被接受,以满足内华达州和许多其他州的执照教育要求. 潜在的学生必须与您所在州的执照委员会核实,以验证澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载在线土地测量/地理信息学学士学位课程将满足执照的教育要求. This program may not fulfill all licensure requirements in every state.


测量是一门利用专门的设备和程序测量地球物理特征以获得符合客户要求的结果的艺术和科学. Career opportunities in surveying are available with firms engaged in surveying/mapping, civil engineering, resource management, mining and others; as well as diverse opportunities within the federal, state, 以及地方政府机构. 具体职位可能包括:城市规划师, Wetlands Delineation and Resource Management Specialist, Flood Plain Manager, 建筑测量师, 运输署验船师, Mining Surveyor, Onshore/Offshore oil and gas extraction and exploration Surveyor, 认证Photogrammetrist, Certified Geodesist , Geospatial Analyst, 高级成像和制图专家, 计算机辅助制图师, 美国林务测量师, 土地管理局测量师, and a National Geospatial Intelligence Agency Analyst.




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Great Basin College 
1500 College Parkway, HTC 130 
Phone: 775.327.2206
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